About us

About us

Our Company

Bizzy bee honey is produced in Kenya by African Bee Keepers Ltd from well managed modern bee hives that are placed in carefully selected locations across Kenya. The different wild flowering vegetation where we position our hives produce some of the most unique flavours and colors of honey.

About Honey in Kenya

All the honey that is traded in Kenya apart from BIZZY BEE honey is traded by middle men and brokers, and has been that way for centuries.

AFRICAN BEEKEEPERS LTD is the only commercial bee keeper that deals with the whole value chain, from bee hive to table. The honey is produced from high quality frame hives without killing or disturbing the colony of bees. The honey is extracted from well capped combs eliminating the possibility of excess moisture and smoke tainting the honey.

Honey Processing

We process the honey in an ultra-modern facility using centrifuge machines which ensures the honey remains untouched by human hands as it is carefully spun out of its combs.

By extracting the honey in this way, we make sure the honey you get from us is in its truest form - retaining its natural colour and flavours from all the flowers the bees collected nectar from.

Honey extraction is an art that we have perfected over the years to meet international standards and we are excited to share our honey with you!

To all of you, from all of us at ABL HoneyShop - Thank you and Happy shopping!